Heartstopper Movie Review

The Story:

Heartstopper Movie Poster
"Each Beat May Be Your Last"

A tattooed psychopath fresh from the electric chair tries to acquire a new body by passing his tattoos onto a teenage girl that shares the ambulance that transfers his burnt corpse to the hospital morgue. The two get dropped off at the hospital where she immediately goes into hysterics about the corpse coming after her. She finds herself sharing a room with a guy who heard rumors that she’s a freak…all her whining doesn’t help. All this time the killer (known as Heartstopper; for ripping the hearts out of people before they die) gets off the gurney to add a few more points to his body count. It’s one of those movies that I was constantly feeling I could have made better, given the same conditions. Nearly right from the start the killer goes from a disgusting, deformed, melted mess, to a regular uninteresting Joe after just one kill. Note to future filmmakers: turning a sick looking monster into a dude makes the rest of the run time anti-climactic and altogether ‘not cool’! Leaving the prosthetic on his face also might have saved us from hearing cliche lines in a script that tries way too hard.


Every self respecting horror fan has come across one of these movies. A low budget slasher movie that you’re in for the kills, but the victims won’t shut up and meet their fate soon enough. The one character you want to see live to the end gets offed within the first 20 minutes. Then you struggle not to fast forward in hopes to see nudity or gore. I really wanted to see this flick because Robert Englund’s name was plastered across the poster art, but who knew with that kind of advertising that his screen time would only total a measly 15 minutes. It’s amateur-hour in the script department, so you can’t really blame the talent in front of the camera.

Gore/Special Effects:

This movie is all prosthetics and corn syrup just like it should be. The camera never shies away from the action, so we get some good wet comic book style grue. Two great kills really stood out for me and saved the movie from being a complete disaster.

Lasting Appeal:

I saw it for free on T.V. and if you want to see it for the gore, that’s the only way I can recommend it. It had it’s moments, just not enough of them to warrant watching more than once.

Final Head Count:

The movie was just good enough that I made the effort to give my full attention, and a few gore gags were juicy enough to get me excited. It wasn’t terrible, just easily forgettable.

Two Heads
"Two Heads out of Five"
Picture of Dylan Gemmell
Dylan Gemmell
Consuming darkness in every artistic offering available. You thought Death only came in Metal and Horror Films? Vinyl Collector, Pro Wrestling addict and Miniature Monster Artist. Petting animals, eating people.