I Spit On Your Grave (2010) Review

"I Spit On Your Grave"
I Spit On Your Grave (2010)

Director: Steven R. Monroe

Writers: Meir Zarchi (1978 screenplays) Stuart Morse(screenplay)

Stars: Sarah Butler, Daniel Franzese and Chad Lindberg


A young writer is on a retreat at a cabin in hopes to finish up some writing that she is working on.

After a bit of an incident with a man at a gas station near the closest town, she notices some strange things happening around the cabin she is staying at.

These things continue and soon she finds herself surrounded by a group of men who brutally rape her and leave her for dead.

Not long after, the men believe that she is dead, but soon find out that she is still very much alive, and will exact her revenge for what they have done to her.



The characters in this movie were some of the most interesting I’ve seen and I’ll explain why:

Jennifer Hill (Sarah Butler) is one of the greatest characters I’ve seen in a movie in such a long time. At first, she’s just an innocent young woman minding her own business, working on writing at the cabin where she plans on staying for a few months. After being brutally raped by a number of men however, she becomes a monster.

Her acting was devastating, I can imagine it would be such a difficult role to play well, but she really pulled it off. All the while she is getting her revenge on the maniacs who brutalized her, she can still look good!

Johnny (Jeff Branson), plays what some people might consider to be the main antagonist in this movie, because it all started with him. After being told that he will never be able to get with Jennifer or any woman like her, he decides to show his friends what he really can do. They drag their mentally retarded friend, Matthew, in on the situation hoping Matthew will lose his virginity.

Johnny is one of the sickest of the group, and the only one who shows zero remorse for his actions throughout the entire film.

Matthew (Chad Lindberg), is the antagonist’s mentally challenged friend. After being brought along on their friends ‘night out’ with Jennifer, he is the only one who sees that what they are doing is wrong and feels guilty for what they have done to her. I have to say, next to Jennifer, Matthew was my second favourite character. Excellent acting by Lindberg on this film.

Andy (Rodney Eastman), was the more quiet and violent character in the movie, never really saying much during the scenes with Jennifer, he is just doing whatever he can to add stress to her situation. Not much can be learned about him, but he is a fun character to have in the flick.

Stanley (Daniel Franzese), is easily one of the characters you will end up hating the most, everything about him is wrong. His choice of filming everything that happens is what really made this remake different than the original, he just comes off as a pig in this movie, and does a great job of acting like it.

Sherriff Storch (Andrew Howard) was another part of the movie that made it different than the original and plays probably the most interesting character in the movie, besides Jennifer. He comes off as a good guy, then becomes a bad guy and all the while he realizes their are more important things like his family. Because of this, he was the character that caught my interest the most, and was very well acted by Howard.

Special Effects / Gore:

At first… I was little concerned in this department, but then I realized that I hadn’t gotten to any parts with real gore in them yet and when I did reach those parts I was very surprised.

I Spit On Your Grave delivered some of the most realistic looking gore I have seen in a very long time, it was not overdone, not underdone, it was perfect! Once it reached the point of Jennifer’s killing spree, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what she would do next… I’m telling you, she was creative!

Final Score:

Throughout this movie, my opinions on what the final score would be changed quite a bit, but finally I came to a decision. I Spit On Your Grave is probably one of the greatest movie remakes that I have ever seen and it gave the movie a whole different feel than the original.

From the beginning it was very suspenseful, while in the 1978 movie I found myself very bored.

Start to finish, this movie had me wanting more and when it ended I was not happy, knowing that I would no longer see anything happen to the guys who raped Jennifer.

Four Heads
"4 out of 5"