Creature From the Black Lagoon Movie Review

The Story

A team of scientists in search of fossils along the Amazon River discover more than they bargained for when they enter the Black Lagoon; home of the legendary prehistoric Gill-Man. After breaking free from the scientist’s restraints, the creature returns to kidnap Kay the female on the expedition with whom he has fallen in love.

The Characters

This is the first Universal Monster movie I have seen where the ‘Monster’ plays a somewhat small role. The scientists are in a bit of a love triangle, with one member of the team constantly pursuing the love of his partners fiancee. The Creature is docile until provoked, and comes across more a protector of himself and Kay than the mindless beast they believe him to be. Actor Ricou Browning brought a graceful nature to the creature when under water that still looks fantastic to this day.


We get the Creature manhandling his victims by the face. After 50+ years the creature’s costume effects still hold strong.

Lasting Appeal

They didn’t use the creature nearly enough, causing the movie to drag a lot in places. Nobody watches creature features to watch a soap opera love triangle unfold, but that’s about all the flick offered on the human end of things.

Final Headcount

Creature From the Black Lagoon is worth seeing once for the amazing effects and iconic images of the Gill-Man. I’m hoping the sequels that come in the Legacy Collection will float my boat, because when the creature was absent this one sunk it.

Three Heads
“3 out of 5”
Picture of Dylan Gemmell
Dylan Gemmell
Consuming darkness in every artistic offering available. You thought Death only came in Metal and Horror Films? Vinyl Collector, Pro Wrestling addict and Miniature Monster Artist. Petting animals, eating people.