Mortal Kombat: Micro Transactions X

Micro-transactions suck. They take a good game and flush the gamers enjoyment level right down the toilet. Mortal Kombat X falls into the crapper here unfortunately.
Micro Transactions Galore in Mortal Kombat X

This past holiday weekend, I excitedly picked up Mortal Kombat X on sale for $30. A bunch of us from Red Splatter Gaming were looking forward to playing it, so I dove in and got ready for Kombat!

After launching the game and joining a party with Godzmassacre, we were immediately met with the dreaded killer of online fun: LAG. The game was so choppy at points, it looked like we watching a flip-book. Nothing says next gen entertainment, like frame-by-frame animation.

Finally were were able to get matches going with bearable lag and finish a few rounds. One match I noticed that Godzmassacre was playing as Goro. I asked him “Ohh sweet you’ve got Goro. Where did you get him? Did you unlock him?” He replied “No, I bought him from the PS Store.”

I was amazed that a character as essential to the Mortal Kombat franchise as Goro, was locked behind a paywall. Today I took a trip into the Playstation Store and was blown away by the sheer amount of greed on display. Tons of characters, skins and unlock shortcuts are on sale for varying amounts from $5 up to $30.

Angry, frustrated and disgusted by the video game industry which is dying due to free to play and pay to pay micro-transaction systems, I recorded this video and have decided to share it with you.

If I can save 1 person from supporting this bullshit, if I can give one big “fuck you” to the gaming industry and it’s micro transactions  I will be satisfied.

Picture of Mark Phillips
Mark Phillips
Mark is the Editor-In-Chief of Graveside Entertainment and spends his happy time embalming the recently deceased and preparing burial arrangements for those with punched tickets. In the wee hours of the night, he arises from his slumber and slaves tirelessly to bring you the finest in Graveside Entertainment! Mark on Twitter