Sean Bean pretty much reprises his role of Boromir from LOTR, this time playing Ulrich, a warrior sworn under God to eradicate any cause of his punishment, the bubonic plague. Ulrich leads a small band with the help of a Monk who navigates the men to a small Village where it is rumoured exists a witch practicing necromancy. Equipped with executioner devices the group cleanse the path of evil and try to keep a balance within the pandemonium. The Monk Osmund has other reasons for his departure from the brotherhood than he lets on, keeping his secret to himself for fear the church will gain knowledge of his intent for the trip. Black Death is a chilling peek at the panic caused by confusion in the wake of population irradicating disease during medieval times. My own real complaint about the movie is how little this story is fleshed out, I would have liked to have seen this as a 3 hour epic exploring further into the horrors of the plague than it did.
Black Death
By Dylan Gemmell
- Published:
- Topics: 31 Days of Horror, Movie Reviews, Sean Bean
Dylan Gemmell
Consuming darkness in every artistic offering available. You thought Death only came in Metal and Horror Films? Vinyl Collector, Pro Wrestling addict and Miniature Monster Artist. Petting animals, eating people.