A group of twenty somethings on a trip to somewhere never explained get harassed by a road raged truck driver wearing a retarded bunny costume. Before you can say Duel or Jeepers Creepers, the Bunnyman runs the group off the road, returning every few minutes to prove his dominance over them with a weak off-screen kill and random vehicular prodding. Deciding the easily damaged car isn’t the best fortress of defence, the group head into the woods for help where they come across a cliche yet highly entertaining perverted red neck. Realizing they are in a losing argument with the unreasonable rape minded hill billy the group bickers their way down the trail back to the road. Believing they finally caught a break the group flags down a passing car who’s young female driver insists in the bitchiest way possible has no time for them before getting her friend (another suspicious redneck) to emergency for his cut hand. The bi-polar woman returns a second time worrying someone genuine might help them, and finally puts the half wit catalogue model types in the direction of the Bunnyman’s hopping grounds. The same two sounds that can cause you to experience great joy in a good movie can be the exact opposite in a bad one. Horns being blared during car chases and the loud grinding of a deadly chainsaw get on your last nerve when there is a guarantee of no pay off accompanying it. I say this because who ever made Bunnyman could not possibly be anyone who had any kind of respect or understanding of horror movies. Rather than attempting to provide any kind of action effect, the crew involved took the easy route of splashing fake blood and animal guts on everything but the bunny suit. It wouldn’t have taken much to make Bunnyman something worth looking at, but it seems the makers saw enough good movies to mimic, so why come up with one of their own? All this is sandwiched in between a quality artsy home movie montage of back story that accompanies the opening and closing credits, so what went wrong with the rest? This is amateur hour with zero understanding of the audience who watches the genre, almost insulting.
By Dylan Gemmell
- Published:
- Topics: 31 Days of Horror, Movie Reviews
Dylan Gemmell
Consuming darkness in every artistic offering available. You thought Death only came in Metal and Horror Films? Vinyl Collector, Pro Wrestling addict and Miniature Monster Artist. Petting animals, eating people.