Xtro Movie Review

The Story

Xtro Movie Review
“Not all Extra Terrestrials are Friendly”

A young boy witnesses his father Sam being dragged away by a bright light in the sky. His family doesn’t support this account, believing instead that he couldn’t handle the stress of the disappearance of his father so he’s made the story up as a way to cope with the situation. 3 years pass and (Surprise!!), daddy’s crash landed back home, and doesn’t take too kindly to the new man of the house, Joe. With the powers of the Alien world behind him, can Sam win back his families affection?


Although all the characters were well acted, I just didn’t care about them. It feels like the movie, given the subject matter takes itself too seriously for how far above over the top it gets. I was on a neutral level with the characters, I didn’t mind them, but was for sure hoping they’d die in a horrific manor.

Gore/Special Effects

This movie had so much strange imagery I don’t want to spoil. So I’ll keep this brief in saying some of the gore and effects were great, while others (including a certain birthing scene this movie is infamous for) were anti-climactic. I think it was too hyped for me, especially after seeing it listed as a must see horror movie a few months back. Another thing that really had me hyped after pressing play was the New Line Entertainment logo. You know, the flashing red on black one from the 80’s that appears before the classic ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’?

Lasting Appeal

I’m excited to watch this movie again in the future. I think going into it knowing exactly what it is may be essential to its enjoyment. It’s the kind of movie that needs enough friends around, and beverages consumed to fully appreciate. I mean just because it refuses to have a sense of humor, that doesn’t mean it can’t be funny right?

Final Head Count

The movie is really unbalanced in the way it was handled. Many moments go way out of the stratosphere of imagination to a point that is barely acceptable in even the most fantastical of stories, where others that you wish not only crossed that line, but did a little jig over it just to throw it in your face don’t push the envelope far enough. With some truly haunting imagery out the gate, one can’t help to think that there should have been so much more or maybe just less complicated in the second half.

Two and a Half Heads
“2.5 out of 5”
Picture of Dylan Gemmell
Dylan Gemmell
Consuming darkness in every artistic offering available. You thought Death only came in Metal and Horror Films? Vinyl Collector, Pro Wrestling addict and Miniature Monster Artist. Petting animals, eating people.