The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs Review

Dylan and Joe Bob Briggs!
Dylan and Joe Bob Briggs!

A Binge Worthy Hundred Plus Hours of Weird Cinema

As I begin to write my Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs review, I think back to just how much time i’ve spent watching this entire series of late. Binging every Joe Bob Briggs episode on Shudder Canada, even without the movies unavailable for distribution on Shudder within Canada is the largest undertaking I’ve set to complete since watching every second that has ever existed within the official Star Wars Universe. That binge included the Ewok films and the dreaded Star Wars Christmas special. Joe Bob Briggs The Last Drive In (much like Star Wars) is not without its unfavourable moments which I will get to shortly.

The man is so ridiculously packed full of a range of knowledge that nearly every episode is worth the valuable time spent. This knowledge ranges from unknown intricacies of the film’s creative woes and triumphs to completely off topic insane ramblings that can at times be even more entertaining and interesting than the topic at hand. And when Mr. Briggs goes too far into the deep abyss of his redneck encyclopedia, to which you sometimes begin to question “where the Hell is he going with this?” His no nonsense side kick Darcy the Mail Girl along with the production crew is quick to bring him back to reality and back on course. This dynamic along with a whole cast of characters and special celebrity guests kept me coming back for more whether the next film showcased was of any interest to me originally or not.

More Than Just a Horror Host

Mr. Briggs has managed to compile information on the last 50+ years of film that sometimes not even the creators of said film remember as well as he does. Which is proven in the handful of guest appearances featured in each season.

Not only has Joe Bob championed the Drive in exploitation market by deeming it deserving of honest review and critique, he has also played integral roles in battling censorship of horror films. Most notably his refusal to promote and release the original butchered through censorship cut that was the family friendly version of Basket Case in his local Texas grindhouse theatres until the quote “fucking good stuff” was added back to the film. One of many wild stories in his adventurous career as one of America’s most beloved horror hosts. Luckily no matter where you call home Joe Bob’s introductions, segment breaks and closing ceremonies are all still available through a separate show on Shudder simply titled “Just Joe Bob”. Often they are films you may have already seen making it fairly simple to follow Mr. Briggs detailed breakdowns. During discussions of films I had not previously seen, Joe Bob held my interest to the point I’ve added more titles to my always expanding bucket list of films.

Care and Attention Subject to Change

Joe Bob’s memory and attention detail is not always flawless.There may be times he says something that you know is flat out incorrect. These moments do get challenged by fans often during the mail bag segment of the show. He is also a wealth of knowledge of his United States of America and to his credit knows a fair amount about other large cities the world over. However at times, likely due to his schedule and alot of his knowledge coming from first hand experience as a world traveled journalist, he doesn’t have the same deep dive vault of information on every film, it’s crew or it’s location. This leads to rare occasions where the show drops in quality feeling poorly prepared under the weight of it’s full schedule. And to be fair some films have a certain red carpet expectation which are inevitable to recieve more attention.

A Time Honoured Formula for Success

Joe Bob begins every episode with a rant that more often than not slowly relates back to the film about to be watched. Following the rant is a brief description of the film and finally a star review that includes anything of note you’re about to witness at machine gun speed. At first you may think he’s spoiling the film, but he does it so fast that your brain only retains enough to remember what he said as it happens.

This isn’t the mystery science format so there is no talking during the films themselves no matter how good or bad the films may be, instead there are full segment breaks to deconstruct everything you’ve just watched.

I really could go on forever about the show. It’s a bonding experience from host to viewer to always have someone there watching the movie with you. The movies shown aren’t always fun or silly and run the gauntlet of every sub genre so whatever emotions being drawn out as a viewer is being experienced simultaneously and discussed with the comfort of others present. I imagine this is the same connection one feels in a book club surrounded by familiar peers. The personal experience doesn’t just stop there either as Darcy the Mail Girl lurks on Social Media to talk to the fans during the broadcast of the show before then revealing a kick ass cosplay to top off the night as she passes along a few of those interactions with Joe Bob in each episode’s closing ceremony.

Final Thoughts

The mass of fan reviews on the app stating they’re  only subscribed to watch Joe Bob’s Last Drive-In and additional annual Holiday Specials (which you can also find by searching “Joe Bob” on the streaming app) is staggering, and a testament to just how amazing the whole experience is. I urge everyone reading this to make time in their own lives for the Drive In.

And it’s not over! The Halloween special is coming, along with possibly another season and the other annual holiday specials! We have many more hours of Joe Bob to feast on. Lastly, let the credits play through, you might catch an Easter Egg or Credit Cookie. The drive in will never die!

Final Headcount

For the love of movies, for the love of community and for the love of Blood, Breasts and Beasts.

This Drive In Mutant says check it out!

4 and a half heads out of 5
4 and a half heads out of 5
Picture of Dylan Gemmell
Dylan Gemmell
Consuming darkness in every artistic offering available. You thought Death only came in Metal and Horror Films? Vinyl Collector, Pro Wrestling addict and Miniature Monster Artist. Petting animals, eating people.